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    For SMEs, the end of the economic crisis is far off.


    April 16, 2020

    Small and medium-sized companies are a fundamental factor in the development of the economy of Nuevo León and Mexico. Nuevo León and Mexico. To measure the importance of the SME sector, in Mexico alone, they represent 76.4% of employment and 38.6% of the national GDP. account for 76.4% of employment and 38.6% of national GDP.

    CAINTRA conducted a survey among the industrial community to find out their perspective on the health and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. the health and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the responses responses obtained, 45% of the industrialists consider that for the months of June - July of this year, we would be in the June-July of this year, we would be concluding the sanitary contingency in Mexico, followed by 28% who believe that it would be between April and May.

    On the other hand, when we questioned them about the end of the economic contingency, a 35% of them are of the opinion that it would end after March 2021; that is to say, for these companies the end of the economic companies, the end of the economic impact is a long way off.

    In view of this, it is necessary to protect sources of employment in the country, specifically the most vulnerable ones, such as SMEs. vulnerable, such as SMEs, which is why CAINTRA has opened spaces for dialogue, training, accompaniment, legal advice and dialogue, training, accompaniment, legal advice and documentation on the actions to be taken by small and medium-sized enterprises, providing and medium-sized companies, providing solutions to overcome this transitory crisis and to be able to have a better recovery. crisis and to be able to have a more accelerated recovery.

    The industrial sector will make every effort to contribute as much as possible to maintaining the health, social welfare and economic dynamics in its essential activities to face the pandemic with all the pandemic with all measures to protect employees.