At CAINTRA Nuevo León we create value for your company:
• Raising your voice before authorities and institutions
• Providing you with high quality services
We do it with passion because we are convinced that by achieving your success and that of the industrial community, we are laying the foundations for a better Mexico.
We are specialists in making things happen.
We are an integral part of your company's staff.
We are CAINTRA Nuevo León.
We defend your interests and make your voice have greater attention and impact before the authorities.
We are a connector of potential companies and suppliers through different events.
We develop the skills that will take your collaborators and your company to the next level.
We optimize the management of your company: administration of internship scholarships, Mexican model dual training plan, salary and salary studies, recruitment, insurance, customs regulatory shielding and electronic invoicing.
We are a connector of potential companies and suppliers through different events.
We promote your company with the best programs, procedures and specialized services from the CCM (Monterrey Competitiveness Center) and IPA (Institute for Environmental Protection).
We bring you closer to economic studies, courses, conferences and information of interest to keep you at the forefront.
We give a new vision to your business by developing and implementing policies and operations that are environmentally friendly and that develop the sustainability of the industrial sector.
We achieve this through:
We maintain a communication channel with environmental agencies at the three levels of government.
Environmental management and internal audit:
We support the management of licenses, permits and environmental and industrial safety and hygiene records, guaranteeing compliance with established protocols and optimizing the company's resources.
Sustainability and energy efficiency:
We advise you on the strategic development of your operations to minimize your environmental impact.
Specialized training:
On environmental, energy, safety and hygiene issues, along with legal advice specialized in inspections, fines and administrative processes related to the environment.
Various technical-environmental studies:
Phase I and Phase II risk studies and land analysis and studies of contaminated sites to evaluate your environmental impact.
Accident prevention and emergency response programs:
We design tools for the prevention and control of major risks tailored to your company.
We promote the work and projects of all types of companies to give them better competitiveness through services focused on increasing sales, profits, profitability and growth.
Strategy based on:
We support you in the diagnosis to focus efforts on areas of opportunity that will allow you to achieve certifications and develop skills.
Financial linkage
We support you in making decisions to select the best current options when developing your business plans.
Specialized consulting
We design a personalized business path, we accompany you in the execution of the strategy and ensure sustainable growth under a business model.
Practical and certified workshops
We develop the talent of your human capital through workshops and diploma courses that will certify them in skills to benefit the development of the company.
International certifications
We offer support to industries and companies to achieve certifications such as ISO, ISO/TS, OHSAS, HACCP, AS and others.
Take your company to perfect its processes through experiential learning in a model factory resulting from the CAINTRA - McKinsey & Company strategic alliance.
We do it in the following way:
First training center in Mexico:
Experiential training center with the latest technology focused on the development of skills in Mexico.
Essential modules for companies:
Experience the basic training programs in Lean and Digital Manufacturing. Including Lean Awareness, OEE, SMED, Problem Solving, Advanced Analytics and Performance.
Content customization:
We design training tailored to your need or preference, in order to deepen a particular topic and develop total transformation programs.
Strategic alliance:
We carry out joint training modules with companies and educational institutions, using our own content and experiential learning in the model line.
“Networking events have helped us connect with other companies, form business relationships, both with suppliers and new clients.”
Gilberto Garza
Director of operations
Partner #40273
“We have realized that the more students we have, the more possibilities we will have of having better leaders and better bosses within the institution. Having them already developed with the company's values will be very useful to continue in the improvement process.”
Alan Flores
Organizational Psychologist
Partner #910
“We have an alliance that helps us bring talent to the company. The GROW platform has been very beneficial, through it we can contract, extend contracts, review accident insurance issues, among other things.”
Cindy Martinez
Human resources manager
Partner #15
“They make us present with that integrity that the company has as a basis and that they have that confidence in us to be able to authorize a project because we are supported by CAINTRA. “They have helped us obtain certain authorizations that have advanced like no other cases.”
Idalia González
Legal Headquarters
Sigma Foods
“I would recommend the AMC2 program because they combine theory with practice and I think that is the key to understanding and internalizing knowledge.”
The cost of membership varies depending on the size of the company (number of employees) and its economic activity, whether industrial or supplier.
CAINTRA seeks to promote the improvement, union, leadership, connection and representation of its Partners. It acts as a counterweight to public policies, detecting common risks and opportunities in the industrial area of Nuevo León.
CAINTRA has a presence only in the State of Nuevo León, seeking focused attention to the most important industrial region in the country.
No. CAINTRA is a private organization formed by the businessmen of Nuevo León to represent their interests before the government.
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