Millions of current pesos 2021
Manufacturing companies 2018
Manufacturing establishments 2018
(% of total manufacturing)
Jobs generated in NL manufacturing (as of December 2023) (IMSS)
Millions of dollars 2022
Millions of dollars 2022
(% of manufacturing GDP by subsector, 2022)
(Average daily salary of jobs affiliated with the IMSS November 2023, National vs Nuevo León)
New Lion
Average daily salary for positions
work affiliated with the IMSS Nov-2023
Average daily salary for positions
work affiliated with the IMSS Nov-2023
(Average daily salary of jobs affiliated with the IMSS November 2023)
(Index, expansion level = 50)
(monthly differential, 2022-2023)
(Forecasts 2023 and 2024)
Variable | Closing forecast 2023 | Closing forecast 2024 |
GDP | 3.51% | 2.53% |
Manufacturing Production | 4.19% | 3.54% |
Employment | -- | 53,931 |
Employment Manufacturing | -- | 16,003 |
Electricity rates for medium-sized companies in Mexico vs the US
Annual increase in demand for electrical energy
Time for resolution of state procedures by companies
Of the state procedures carried out by companies, they were digital
Of the companies suffered cargo theft in the country in 2022
Total costs associated with merchandise theft 2022
Of the companies mentioned having difficulties hiring personnel
Of the companies, they consider that the technical staff they hired do not have sufficient training.