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    CAINTRA. A Chamber of Volunteers


    December 4, 2019

    This December 5, CAINTRA Nuevo León joins the International Volunteer Day, recognizing the work of all those people who, without seeking their own benefit, offer their knowledge and time in favor of the common good.

    Desde su origen, CAINTRA fue fundada y ha sido dirigida por empresarios que voluntariamente dedican su tiempo, experiencia y recursos, a fin de representar y promover las causas del sector manufacturero y de la sociedad. En su rica historia, CAINTRA ha contado con empresarios destacados y capitanes de la industria entre sus Voluntarios, tales como: Eugenio Clariond Garza (presidente 1952-1954), Humberto Lobo Villarreal (presidente 1973-1975), Sergio M. Gutiérrez Muguerza (1999-2001), Juan Ignacio Garza Herrera (2017-2019), por mencionar ejemplos en décadas distintas. En la actualidad, este grupo se ha expandido hasta consolidarse como una verdadera Red de más de 700 Voluntarios, todos ellos líderes empresariales proveniente de los más grandes grupos industriales y de empresas PyME destacadas, quienes aportan su liderazgo, conocimiento y experiencia en beneficio de las miles de empresas afiliadas a CAINTRA.

    CAINTRA Volunteers provide their service for a period of 1 year and work on a daily basis through the following organizational structure:

    • 1 Consejo Directivo • 4 Consejos Geográficos • 7 Comisiones de Temas Específicos • 3 Consejos de Organismos Filiales

    This structure allows the Volunteer Network to address general issues of global and national interest and impact, as well as specific issues with local repercussions. Its activities include internal work sessions, participation in representation seats before authorities and other bodies, mentoring, counseling and management for industrial agenda issues.

    Throughout the year, their activities total more than 3,600 hours of work, distributed in more than 100 sessions. The enormous effort they provide is hardly comparable to the great impact they generate in the interests of industry and Mexico.

    At CAINTRA, we are proud to have a highly professional network of volunteers, made up of high-level business leaders committed to the development of the sector and Mexican society. On this International Volunteer Day, we wish them congratulations.