Leave us your information and we will contact you shortly
Strengthens and facilitates administrative management through our platforms.
Electronic pre-validation of pedimentos
Supplier validation portal, SAT blacklists and EFOS. Consult with this tool the taxpayers before the SAT blacklists.
Download in an automated and massive way the CFDI's issued, received and payroll that the SAT has and compare this information with that of your system.
Tax returns in an easy, timely and low-cost way. Get your accounting in time and form.
Receive and validate invoices from your suppliers in seconds. Web portal where the XML upload, validation and search processes are carried out.
The web invoicing solution that every SME, entrepreneur or independent professional needs to invoice like the big ones.
Functions performed by TIMBRAME:
Contact us:
Edgar Iván Salas Olacio | Phone: 8117787977 | Mail: edgar.salaso@caintra.org.mx
Customized customs shielding criteria, which will allow your company to detect errors in the configuration of a customs declaration through alerts/FLAGS or CANDATES.
Online Tariff to corroborate information and Permits information
www.tarifaenlinea.comAccess in virtual time to visualize foreign trade operations.
www.prevalidadorcaintra.comStatistics and customized reports of your foreign trade operations.
www.prevalidadorcaintra.comRepository of electronic foreign trade records in the cloud.
www.prevalidadorcaintra.comsyntactic, catalogical, regulatory and structural validation. Reveinas de tas de Acon a ertoos control of operations with Vulnerable Fractions (Anti-laundering Law).
- Reduction of fines before the Authority.
- Control operations adjusted to the needs of each company and the error is generated before validation.
- Reduction of Rectification of Pedimentos.
- Web platform (online) for the control and administration of foreign trade electronic files: PROCEDA.
- Web tracking (online) of the pedimento process at Customs from pre-validation to its departure from Customs.
- Fines of at least 18,000 pesos for erroneous pedimento.
- The instructions in the Letter of Instruction to AA are not followed and an erroneous operation is generated.
- Constant Rectification of Pedimentos at extra cost.
- Request to each Customs Broker the documentation to concentrate it in a Server or Hard Disk.
- Ask each Customs Broker for information about the pedimento and its progress in customs, calls, mails, etc. To know if it has been fulfilled.
Ask your customs brokers that the Prevalidation of all your foreign trade operations be performed using the CAINTRA pedimentos prevalidator.
Register your company in the
Define customized shielding you are required to set up in your foreign trade operations.
Start receiving notifications of errors and reports when a foreign trade operation is carried out on behalf of your company.
Legal Certainty in the Prevalidation of Orders
Help Desk
Team of Advisors and Consultants highly specialized in customs and foreign trade matters.
Advice on Prevalidation:
review of cases (pedimentos) and consulting on criteria and regulations of the information of validated pedimentos.
Technical Support:
Connectivity or Liaison, 7 x 24 on-call service (for out-of-office hours).
Specialized consulting:
(review-opinion) in cases of criteria or discrepancy with the Customs Law or complementary laws.
Follow-up and Support in Justifications. Exposure of critical cases in forums with the Authority (SAT-ADUANAS): SAAI and COPA.
Legal Counsel
Generalized mainly for opinion, search of grounds or presentation of pleadings.
Contact us:
Edgar Iván Salas Olacio | Phone: 8117787977 | Mail: edgar.salaso@caintra.org.mx
En Servicios Electrónicos CAINTRA contamos con una alianza comercial la cual nos permite ofrecer a nuestros socios la posibilidad de adquirir SGMM de la más alta calidad y que se adapten a sus necesidades.
Actualmente contamos con dos opciones de pólizas las cuales se describen a continuación.
Plan seguro Colectivo Golden
Sum Insured:
900 UMAM | $$2,970,477.00 pesos
2 UMAM | $6,601 pesos Coinsurance: 10% | Stop $30,000 pesos
Sum Insured:
$113,868,285 pesos
8 UMAM ( $26,404 pesos)
10% top $30,000 pesos
Contact us:
Edgar Iván Salas Olacio | Phone: 8117787977 | Mail: edgar.salaso@caintra.org.mx