Report Wednesday, December 22
December 22, 2021
Information from Press Conferences and Official Media
Federal Information
(December 21, 2021)
Health Secretary
- At a press conference, Undersecretary Hugo Lopez-Gatell stated that the incidence of COVID-19 infections has shown a reduction of 19% compared to last week. a reduction of 19% compared to last week.
- Regarding the presence of the omicron variant in the country, the Ministry of Health informed that only 23 cases have been reported, distributed in Mexico City, State of Mexico, Tamaulipas and the probable presence in Sinaloa is still being analyzed.
- At the same time, federal authorities reported that 88% of the adult population in Mexico is fully vaccinated. vaccination schedule.
- Dr. María Elena Álvarez-Bullya, director of CONACyT, presented the progress of the patria vaccine and called on the unvaccinated to volunteer to participate in the research of this dose. to volunteer to participate in the research of this dose.
State Information
(December 21, 2021)
Health Secretary
- The State Health Secretariat reported that in Nuevo Leon the incidence of COVID-19 infection has been decreasing for 3 days, although it is expected that in the next few weeks the trend will be reversed due to the possible arrival of the omicron variant.
- The Ministry of Health insists that the population should be vaccinated, since scientific evidence shows that the risk of death due to complications of the death due to Coronavirus complications is reduced up to 13 times if the complete vaccination schedule is followed.
- Vaccination coverage shows an advance of 95% of the adult population with a first dose, while the second dose is maintained at 80%; in the case of older adults, only 60% of them have come for their first dose. second dose is maintained at 80%; in the case of older adults, only 60% of them have gone for their booster. booster.
- Finally, Secretary of Health Alma Marroquin pointed out that Nuevo Leon has the capacity to apply 1 million vaccines per month. million vaccines monthly.
Number of cases
Global vaccination